For Youth

Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention

About Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month

February is Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month (Teen DV Month). Teen DV Month is a national effort to raise awareness about abuse in teen and 20-something relationships and promote programs that prevent it throughout the month of February. Dating violence is more common than many people think.

  • One in three teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults.
  • Girls and young women between the ages of 16-24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence – almost triple the national average.
  • 43% of dating college women report experience abusive dating behaviors including physical, sexual, tech, verbal or controlling behavior



Dating violence can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or background.

Physical: hitting, slapping, choking, kicking
Emotional/Verbal: putting you down; embarrassing you in public, threatening you, telling you what to do or what to wear.
Sexual: pressuring or forcing you to do anything sexual, including sexting; restricting access to birth control
Financial: taking your paychecks; preventing you from working.
Digital: sending threats via text, social media or email; stalking or humiliating you on social media; logging into your social media or email accounts without permission; forcing you to share passwords.

