A Year in Review: CPAF’s 2017-18 Annual Report

Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) is pleased to present its fiscal year 2017-2018 annual report, celebrating 40 years of engaging the community to end domestic and sexual violence through culturally-grounded crisis intervention and violence prevention.

The report highlights CPAF’s roots, reflecting on how the organization has grown to become what it is today. As CPAF founder Nilda Rimonte shares, violence against women affects everyone. In today’s complex environment, we truly appreciate your thoughtful contribution, which allows CPAF to provide life-saving services.

With the help of many caring supporters, survivors of domestic and sexual violence graduating from CPAF’s programs are able to build violence-free households for themselves and their children. A recent graduate shared the following with her Family Advocate.

“I came to the shelter with a broken heart and no hope. But I am a different person today. I learned a lot, feel secure and have hope for the future. I thank you for this program and everything you and CPAF did for me and my son.”

At the end of her stay, the program graduate cooked a communal dinner of traditional dishes from her culture for staff and residents to share, as her way of saying thanks.

Thank you for your tremendous support.

Head over to Resources to view our latest Annual Report for fiscal year 2017-18.

FY 2017-18 Annual Report Highlights

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